Trident Marine Systems

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Гофра 2" белая
Гофра из полипропилена для укладки кабелей, электрических проводов, шлангов и др. Гофра безопасно и легко устанавливается с подвесными и стационарными двигателями. Новый стандарт ABYC E-11 подходит ко всем лодкам с системами переменного и постоянного тока. Огнезащитное вещество/самозатухающий п..
600 р.

Trident Marine Systems was founded by Bill Shields in 1985 in the Pittsburg, PA area.
Prior to running his own business, Bill had a career in the U.S. Coast Guard as an officer and search and rescue (SAR) pilot. This provided an intense experience in the marine environment, boat safety and the results of the lack of it.  After working with family company Shield’s Rubber, he left and started his company that would become Trident Marine, a company with intense focus on marine hose quality, performance, durability, reliability, standard conformance and consistency. In other words, Trident was founded in the interest of long term safety for the boaters.

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